
SharpReader is now available at
Changes since the last version are:
Basic Atom support.
Fixed bug that lost all items in a feed if its contents contained illegal xml characters like .
Recovery of any previously lost items because of the above bug. These items will reappear when upgrading to this version.
Keep item-comments when an item is read again (previously would show all comments as unread again).
When a filter is active, highlight the search-terms in the internal browser.
New filtering feature to show unread items only.
Improved default browser detection.
Fixed bug that sometimes prematurely displayed feed items as read.
Keep whitespace in feeds to fix a bug where sometimes subsequent links were shown without any space between them. A side effect of this change is that previously read articles in an older version of SharpReader may show up as being updated when you first upgrade to 0.9.4
Customizable alert popup timeout.
For new users, default purge settings will be 14 days. Existing users are not affected by this change.
Stagger downloads by adding or subtracting up to 2% from the refresh rate of a feed. This will ensure you won't have all your feeds refreshing at the same time, resulting in t